Sunday, August 11, 2013

Bringing Hope

We bring hope to our world when we spend our lives serving others.

Out on the highways and byways of life, 
Many are weary and sad.
Carry the sunshine 
Where darkness is rife, 
Making the sorrowing glad. 
Give as was given to you in your need.
Love as the Master loves you.
Be to the helpless, a helper indeed.
Unto your mission be true.

Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing,
Out of my life, May Jesus shine.
Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray.
Make me a blessing to someone today.

In Matthew 25: 35, Jesus says," I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was  thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me.  I was in prison and you came to visit me." The disciples asked when they had done all those things for him. He answered, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me."

Someone is needing a blessing today.
Something to cheer him 
On life's rugged way,
Needing a friend who is faithful and true,
Will that someone be you?

Someone is waiting in sorrow and night,
Needing the word of Salvation and Light.
Someone will bear it, his hope to renew,
Will that someone be you?

Jesus is waiting for someone,
Waiting and calling for someone;
Someone will answer and go in His name;
O, will that someone be you?

God's plan is so amazing in that He has chosen to use us to bring His message of love and hope to this world. What a privilege to be used by God to touch lives for eternity.

His Spirit lives within us,
Flowing like a river. 
Filling us with strength,
So that we can reach
Out for our brother.
Help one another.

Some of us build,
Some are teachers.
Some can sing like angels.
But all of us can love.
Like He loved,
Pure and simple,
So warm and tender.

We are His hands,
We are His feet,
We are His people.
Children of Lord.
We share the hope, 
We share the dream,
Believers in Jesus
Children of the King.

May you live a life of loving service bringing hope to your world.

Singing Hope

Singing hope is found when we take that step of faith, and begin to follow our Savior. This is my testimony song:

I used to play a tune filled with discord.
I wondered why 
I was born on this earth.
Then I met Jesus, 
I gave Him my life, 
And He gave me a song of new birth.

It's a song 
That has the sweetest melody,
For it tells 
Of Christ coming from above,
Of His death 
On Calvary's cruel tree,
Of His grace, 
Forgiveness, and wondrous love.

There may come situations 
I don't understand,
 But the melody is there, 
Just the same.
When I look up into my Savior's face,
I can't help singing 
Praises to His name.

He writes a song of love upon my heart.
He writes a song 
That never shall depart.
He writes a song 
That makes my whole world bright.
And keeps me singing in the night.

Music is an incredible tool for bringing hope into our lives.  Most of us have memories of special times associated with music - singing around a piano or a campfire; harmonizing in a choir or group; playing in an orchestra or band; making up silly songs to impress our friends. These times encourage and strengthen us. But remember the truth found in this song:

Sing, sing a song.
Sing it loud, sing it long.
Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear.
Just sing, sing a song.

Psalms 150 is an incredible reminder to sing praises the Lord.
  1. Where - in His sanctuary, in His mighty heavens. 
  2. Why - for His acts of power, for His surpassing greatness. 
  3. How - with timbrel and dance, strings, pipes and cymbals. 
  4. Who - let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

I have a song that Jesus gave me.
It was sent from heaven above.
There never was a sweeter melody.
It's the melody of love.

In my heart there rings a melody,
Rings a melody with heaven's harmony.
In my heart there rings a melody.
Rings a melody of love.

May a song of praise reverberate in your heart bringing hope and joy to all your days.


Friday, August 2, 2013

Talking Hope

Words of hope - how our generation needs to hear them! We should always be bringing hope to others by the words that we speak. I'm reminded of a Sunday School song:

Oh, be careful little mouth what you say.
Oh, be careful little mouth what you say.
There's a Father up above,
And he's looking down in love.
So be careful little mouth what you say.

The Bible has much to teach us about the power of the tongue. James 3:1-12 states that we can tame a horse with a bit, and steer a ship with a rudder, but the tongue is much harder to control. If we give our tongues to God, He will put His words in our mouth. Isaiah 50:4 - The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.

The tongue is a little member,
But difficult to control
Unkind words when spoken
Are destructive and untenable.
Words of truth,
Words of life
Words that banish fear and strife.
Blessings bring peace to the soul.
May the words of my mouth 
Be acceptable
In thy sight, O, Lord, I pray.
May hope in Christ be evidenced
In everything I say.
Words of kindness,
Words of love,
Words that challenge to look above.
May I speak words of promise today.

Of course the greatest words of hope that we can speak are from God's Word. Steve Green's song "Ancient Words" sums up this truth:

Holy Word, long preserved.
For our walk, in this world.
They resound with God's own heart,
Oh, let the Ancient Word impart.

Words of life, words of hope,
Give us strength, help us cope,
In this world wherein we roam,
Ancient Words will guide us home.

Ancient Word, ever true,
Changing me and changing you,
We have come with open heart.
O, let the ancient Word impart.

May we let The Word guide us and speak life-giving words of hope today..