Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Victorious Hope

Victorious hope only comes when we draw our strength from our Savior.

Victory in Jesus, My Savior, forever.
He sought me and he bought me,
With His redeeming blood.
He loved me 'ere I knew Him.
And all my love is due Him.
He plunged me to victory.
Beneath His cleansing blood.

When we take our eyes off Christ and look at our circumstances and resources; fear, anxiety, and despair may overwhelm us. At those times, God will remind me of this song:

Are you walking into the enemy's camp,
Laying your weapons down?
Shedding you armor as you go,
Leaving it on the ground?
You've got to be strong
In the power of His might.
Prove to the enemy.
We are the soldiers of the Lord.
And we've won the victory.

To win the victory, we must clothe ourselves with the armor of God as described in Ephesians 6:14-18. Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest, and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace.  In every situation take the shield of faith, and with it you will be able to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Pray at all times and stay alert.

Onward Christian Soldiers
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.

On every hand the foe we find,
Drawn up in dread array.
Let tents of ease be left behind,
And onward to the fray.
Salvation's helmet on each head,
With truth all girt about.
The earth shall tremble 'neath our tread,
And echo with our shout.

Faith is the victory, 
Faith is the victory.
Oh, glorious victory
That overcomes the world.

Remember, our battle in not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities, world powers of darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. Ephesians 6:12. We need God's resources to win the battle. Clothe yourself daily. Keep hope in your heart for we know the end of the story. The battle is already won. Keep your sword sharp, your armor bright and fight your battles courageously knowing that you are on the winning side.  

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Smiling Hope

The hope that Jesus gives will put a smile on our face and a song in our heart. As a child I would sing this song:

Mommy told me something.
A little kid should know.
It's all about the devil,
And I've learned to hate him so.
She said he causes trouble
When you let him in the room.
He will never, ever leave you,
If your heart is filled with gloom.

So let the sunshine in.
Face it with a grin.
Smilers never lose,
And frowners never win.
So let the sunshine in,
Face it with a grin.
Open up your heart,
And let the sunshine in.

I have a precious memory of my dad and youngest son Ryan, age 6, singing this song in church:

There are many troubles,
That will burst like bubbles.
There are many shadows
That will disappear.
When you learn to meet them,
With a smile to greet them,
For a smile is better than a frown or tear.

Though the world forsake you,
Joy will overtake you.
Hope will soon awake you,
If you smile today.
Don't parade your sorrow,
Wait until tomorrow,
For your hope and joy
Will drive the clouds away.

You can smile.
When you can't say a word.
You can smile,
When you cannot be heard.
You can smile,
When it's cloudy or fair.
You can smile anytime, anywhere.

When we live by the maxim "accentuate the positive, decelerate the negative", we are living Philippians 4:8 - "Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lively, admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things".

Get that frown off your face.
Put a smile in it's place.
Let the love of Jesus Christ show through.
Open up; start to sing.
You're a child of the King.
Now go out and change your world.

Here's another song for a happy heart.

Sing and smile and pray.
That's the only way.
When you sing and smile and pray.
You drive the clouds away.

Psychologists tell us that if a person starts smiling, even if the heart is heavy, the inward feelings will begin to change. Place your hope for a positive expected end in God and put a smile on your beautiful face.