Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hope for the Future

Hope for the future is found in trusting that God has our future in His hand and that all of our circumstances come through that Hand of Love. In 2003, my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I spent most of the summer in Yakima, Washington, going to chemo treatments with her and helping prepare for a move closer to family. In the mornings, I would take a walk at a nearby school. At the beginning of my time there, God brought an old song to remembrance and it sustained me throughout the summer; and mom's subsequent death in the fall.

I don't know about tomorrow, 
I just live from day to day. 
I don't borrow from it's sunshine
For its skies may turn to gray.
I don't worry o're the future, 
For I know what Jesus said.
And today He walks beside me, 
For He knows what is ahead.
Many things about tomorrow,
 I don't seem to understand.
But I know Who holds tomorrow, 
And I know Who holds my hand.
A passage I read to mom often that summer was the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 - 7.  Chapter 6, starting at verse 25, reminds us to not worry about what we will eat, drink, or wear. Consider the birds and how the Father feeds them, and the flowers that are lovelier than Solomon's glory. Surely God can take care of us.

 Why should I be discouraged? 
Why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart grow weary 
And long for heaven and home?
When Jesus is my portion.  
My constant friend is He.
His eye is on the sparrow 
And I know He watches me.

We need to remember that God is already in the future. He knows our needs and is in the business of caring for us. All of God's promises are true, but we must have a mind committed to trusting, believing, and not listening to the lies of Satan.  This comes by reading, meditating, memorizing the Word and communicating with our Father.

Why worry, when you can pray?
Trust Jesus, He'll be your stay.
Don't be a doubting Thomas.
Rest fully in His promise.
Why worry, worry, worry ,worry, 
When you can pray?

Matthew 6:33 and 34 says to not worry about tomorrow for it will take care of itself, but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the things we really need will be given.
May you trust in the Father and have a hope - a positive expected end - for the future.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hope for the Present

Hope for the present is found in living for Jesus.

Living for Jesus, a life the is true,
Striving to please Him in all that I do.
Yielding allegiance,
 Glad-hearted and free.  
This is the pathway of blessing for me.

Oh, Jesus, Lord and Savior, 
I give myself to Thee,
For Thou in Thine atonement, 
Didst give Thyself for me.
I owe no other Master. 
My heart shall be Thy throne.
 My life I give, henceforth to live.
Oh, Christ, for Thee alone.

This, of course, is easier said than done, and is impossible in our own strength. The Christian life isn't just one of information but of transformation. This only happens as we yield to the Holy Spirit who indwelt us at conversion. Galatians 5:22-23 says that if we walk in the Spirit, He will produce a bountiful orchard of fruit in our lives.

Are you walking in the Spirit? 
Is the fruit of your life love,
Joy , peace and gentleness? 
These only come from God above.
You'll have goodness, patience, meekness, 
Also faith and self control.
These traits will be evidenced 
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.

Love for God and fellow man, 
Joy means trust in Jesus' plan,
Peace no problem can withstand, 
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.

Gentleness in work and play, 
Goodness visible all the day,
Patience in all you do and say, 
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.

Meekness is humble, others before you, 
Faith believes in what God will do.
Self control shown and excesses few, 
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.

 Ephesians 5: 18b says to be filled with the Spirit, but verse 19 gives instruction to help the process, "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord".

May you live for Jesus today, walking in the Spirit, with a song of hope in your heart.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hope for the Past

Hope for healing from the past lies in forgiveness. The expected positive outcome will be freedom in the present and future as we embrace forgiveness God's way.

1. Forgiveness from God. The first step in healing is to accept the free gift of forgiveness from God.  He gave His Son to die for us so we can be forgiven of all our sins - past, present and future.
Gone, gone, gone, gone, 
Yes, my sins are gone.
Now my soul is free,
And in my heart's a song.
Buried in the deepest sea, 
Yes, that's good enough for me.
I will live eternally. 
Praise God, my sins are G-O-N-E gone.

Another composer said it this way:

I'm forgiven, 
Because You were forsaken.
I'm accepted; 
You were condemned.
I'm alive and well, 
Your Spirit is within me.
Because you died and rose again.

Amazing love, how can it be? 
That You, my King, would die for me?
Amazing love, I know it's true, 
And its my joy to honor you.
In all I do, I honor you.

2.  Forgiveness of self.  We have to forgive the things we don't like about ourselves - actions, attributes, physical and mental liabilities, areas we don't measure up to standards set by ourselves or others.  We must accept and love the amazing person God created at our birth:

 I said, " If you knew me, you wouldn't want me.  
My scars are hidden by the face I wear".
He said, "My child, 
My scars go deeper. 
 It was love for you that put them there".

I am loved, I am loved, 
I can risk loving you,
For the One who knows me best, 
Loves me most.
I am loved, you are loved, 
Won't you please take my hand?
We are free to love each other.  
We are loved.

3. Forgiveness of others. This is such a key to unlock freedom.  The Lord's prayer says, "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." If we are unwilling to take this step of faith, we will continue in bondage.

How can I forgive 
When I hurt so bad?
I feel like I have lost 
Any joy I ever had.
How could it have happened?  
I'm in such pain
How can I go on 
And trust someone again?

Jesus knows your hurts, 
He carried all your sins.
When dying on the cross, 
He asked the Father to forgive.
Since He has forgiven you, 
You must forgive others, too.
Then you will know His peace 
And will be made anew.
Let it go ---God knows, cares 
And will help you without a doubt.
Let it go ---Give it to God 
And he will heal you inside and out.

Embrace forgiveness and receive the gift of hope - a positive expected end. Colossians 3:13-17.


Friday, March 15, 2013

What is Hope?

Hope, everyone wants it to be an integral part of their being. Hope is defined as "a general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled". I like to define it as "an expectation of a positive outcome".  People filled with hope will be true optimists and go through life with a song in their heart.
How do we experience these positive expectations in a world filled with political unrest, natural disasters, crime, hate, poverty, etc.? The only answer lies in a relationship with the Creator and Redeemer of mankind.

My hope is built on nothing less, 
than Jesus blood and righteousness. 
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, 
But wholly lean on Jesus name.

On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand, 
All other ground is sinking sand.

True hope will be grounded in the character of God.

1. God is Omnipotent - all powerful:

Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains you can't tunnel through?
God specializes in things thought impossible.
He does the things others cannot do.
2. God is Omniscient - all knowing:

 I don't know what the future holds, 
But I know Who holds the future.
I may listen to a thousand tongues 
But I only hear one Whisper.
If I act upon that Voice of Love, 
Then I know I am a seeker.
I can't see much past the present, 
But I know Who holds the future. 

3. God is Omnipresent - everywhere present:

"Where can I go from your Spirit? 
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there.
 If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn. 
If I settle on the far side of the sea,
 Even there your hand will guide me, 
Your right hand will hold me fast."
Psalm 139: 7-10

The basis for our hope is summed up in a duet my parents would sing from a Rodeheaver hymn book:

                     One sat alone, beside the highway begging.
                      His eyes were blind, the light he could not see.
                      He clutched his rags, and shivered in the shadows.
                      Then Jesus came, and caused his eyes to see.
                     When Jesus comes, the tempter's power is broken.
                      When Jesus comes, all fear is washed away.
                      He takes the gloom and fills the heart with gladness.
                      For all is changed, when Jesus comes to stay.
Put your hope  - your expectation of a positive outcome - in God, who richly provides for us.
I Timothy 6:17