Hope for the present is found in living for Jesus.
Living for Jesus, a life the is true,
Striving to please Him in all that I do.
Yielding allegiance,
Glad-hearted and free.
Glad-hearted and free.
This is the pathway of blessing for me.
Oh, Jesus, Lord and Savior,
I give myself to Thee,
I give myself to Thee,
For Thou in Thine atonement,
Didst give Thyself for me.
Didst give Thyself for me.
I owe no other Master.
My heart shall be Thy throne.
My heart shall be Thy throne.
My life I give, henceforth to live.
Oh, Christ, for Thee alone.
This, of course, is easier said than done, and is impossible in our own strength. The Christian life isn't just one of information but of transformation. This only happens as we yield to the Holy Spirit who indwelt us at conversion. Galatians 5:22-23 says that if we walk in the Spirit, He will produce a bountiful orchard of fruit in our lives.
Are you walking in the Spirit?
Is the fruit of your life love,
Is the fruit of your life love,
Joy , peace and gentleness?
These only come from God above.
These only come from God above.
You'll have goodness, patience, meekness,
Also faith and self control.
Also faith and self control.
These traits will be evidenced
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.
Love for God and fellow man,
Joy means trust in Jesus' plan,
Peace no problem can withstand,
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.
Gentleness in work and play,
Goodness visible all the day,
Patience in all you do and say,
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.
Meekness is humble, others before you,
Faith believes in what God will do.
Self control shown and excesses few,
If the Spirit's in charge of your soul.
Ephesians 5: 18b says to be filled with the Spirit, but verse 19 gives instruction to help the process, "Speaking to
yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your heart to the Lord".
May you live for Jesus today, walking in the Spirit, with a song of hope in your heart.
May you live for Jesus today, walking in the Spirit, with a song of hope in your heart.
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