Monday, March 18, 2013

Hope for the Past

Hope for healing from the past lies in forgiveness. The expected positive outcome will be freedom in the present and future as we embrace forgiveness God's way.

1. Forgiveness from God. The first step in healing is to accept the free gift of forgiveness from God.  He gave His Son to die for us so we can be forgiven of all our sins - past, present and future.
Gone, gone, gone, gone, 
Yes, my sins are gone.
Now my soul is free,
And in my heart's a song.
Buried in the deepest sea, 
Yes, that's good enough for me.
I will live eternally. 
Praise God, my sins are G-O-N-E gone.

Another composer said it this way:

I'm forgiven, 
Because You were forsaken.
I'm accepted; 
You were condemned.
I'm alive and well, 
Your Spirit is within me.
Because you died and rose again.

Amazing love, how can it be? 
That You, my King, would die for me?
Amazing love, I know it's true, 
And its my joy to honor you.
In all I do, I honor you.

2.  Forgiveness of self.  We have to forgive the things we don't like about ourselves - actions, attributes, physical and mental liabilities, areas we don't measure up to standards set by ourselves or others.  We must accept and love the amazing person God created at our birth:

 I said, " If you knew me, you wouldn't want me.  
My scars are hidden by the face I wear".
He said, "My child, 
My scars go deeper. 
 It was love for you that put them there".

I am loved, I am loved, 
I can risk loving you,
For the One who knows me best, 
Loves me most.
I am loved, you are loved, 
Won't you please take my hand?
We are free to love each other.  
We are loved.

3. Forgiveness of others. This is such a key to unlock freedom.  The Lord's prayer says, "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." If we are unwilling to take this step of faith, we will continue in bondage.

How can I forgive 
When I hurt so bad?
I feel like I have lost 
Any joy I ever had.
How could it have happened?  
I'm in such pain
How can I go on 
And trust someone again?

Jesus knows your hurts, 
He carried all your sins.
When dying on the cross, 
He asked the Father to forgive.
Since He has forgiven you, 
You must forgive others, too.
Then you will know His peace 
And will be made anew.
Let it go ---God knows, cares 
And will help you without a doubt.
Let it go ---Give it to God 
And he will heal you inside and out.

Embrace forgiveness and receive the gift of hope - a positive expected end. Colossians 3:13-17.


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